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Lost a pet?
We've partnered with PETCO LOVE to help you!
Start by doing these things first:
Report your missing pet and search for a match on Petco Love Lost, a national lost and found database where shelters, rescues, and neighbors post found pets.
Look Around
Look around the area where your pet was lost. Create LOST PET signs and hang them as you walk around the neighborhood.
Share your Petco Love Lost flyer on social platforms, including local lost and found pets Facebook Group.
What else should I do?

Reach out to friends, family, and neighbors

Contact local shelters
and rescues
Ask friends, family, and neighbors to help you search the radium within a mile of your home. 80% of lost pets are found within a mile of where they live so your pet probably hasn't gone far!
Contact and/or visit local animal shelters, rescues, and animal control agencies daily to look for your pet and monitor found reports online.
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